
Saturday, December 15, 2012

School Shootings

I am really sad about the lives that were taken in Connecticut. It is a fact that there has been much more violence or the violence is more publicized.. taking weapons away from law abiding citizens is not the answer. If someone in that school had a concealed carry permit then possibly the whole thing would have stopped with one shot. It's a proven fact that there are less violent crimes in states that have law abiding citizens carrying guns. In Florida a drug crazed man tried to hold up a Denny's restaurant. A 85 year old man was afraid the guy was going to hurt the cashier and shot the idiot. The answer is not less guns. The answer is more guns to someone that will defend those that for one reason or another cannot or will not carry one. My prayers go to the families of those children and teachers that were killed. If there is any blame to be pointed at would be at the woman that gave access of those guns to the nut that did this terrible thing. She is dead also. She was his first victim..or she created the monster that ended up at that school.

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