
Sunday, January 20, 2013


If you see what you want to be 6 months from now you will find a way to make it happen..things don't happen by accident.. it always follows a set of circumstances set in motion by you..whether you know it or not..before every great screw up there was a decision you make that was wrong before every great victory there was a decision i made that was correct.. it. may be something real small but the opportunity to make your future as good or as bad as you want it is in your hands...just be careful you may get what you ask for and it might not be what's best for you..only you know the answer to that question.. you don't have to get stuck there you can change it again but you still have to live with the past to create the future you wish to live

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Let me start by saying i put more miles on my bicycle last year than I did my car. Bikes are a way of life here and I love it. Okay now that's out of the way i have to say that for the first time ever I was impressed by Walmart yesterday. Yes you read that right old wally world got something right they have a 32 in bicycle in stock at less than $200 . Amazing looking bicycle and since I am 6 ft 2 inches a big bicycle is good to see..i looked and cannot find them even listed anywhere else. I do not like Walmart but love this bicycle.

Burst Into The Universe

We are pure energy. Not the body we are in but our power source or soul if you want to call it that. Our energy levels can be measured. It's also a fact that energy never dies. When our time in this body is over we will know how it feels to be able to soar with eagles or swim with dolphins . Not only will that be possible, we will not be confined to one planet. As energy we will be able to survive anywhere in the universe. We are a big part of our universe. We only use half of our brain. No one knows why for sure but I believe that is where our "souls" or i prefer energy is stored. You have surely heard people say they can see other's aura.?. That's because inside of us and all around us is a energy field. We will migrate to energies like our own when our body wears out. There are two kinds of energy positive and negative. We will go to whichever we transmit more of during this life. Some will call this heaven or hell but it matters not what you call it. It only matters that positive or good attracts positive or good and negative or dark attracts the other negatives. We should not fear death. It is a personal thing and it's a true thing that we all die alone . However we are not alone once we make this transition. We will explode into the universe with the power of a million stars. Our energy will allow us to create whatever we imagine. It sounds great doesn't it. What is sad is that with the proper attitude we created a life perfect for us while we lived in this body. Our only restrictions are those we place on ourselves. Why is it that some people get extremely wealthy and seemingly are happy while others are just the opposite?. It's because of what we demand out life and what we believe we deserve. Be happy and wealthy or sad and poor. It's all up to you. You can't be a negative person without inviting the darkness in. let your light shine, push your ego out of the way and excel until it's your turn to move to your next life and be much much more.

Life Control

Life is like the tides of an ocean there is a ebb and a flow and its nature is change. The more you resist the more you will suffer. Whenever you try to control a life situation, you will feel stressed out and this will generate negative energy. Just imagine life to be a raging rip tide, does it serve any purpose to struggle? Wouldn’t it be much more relaxing and peaceful if you just let go and yourself to float with the flow? People who stay surrendered and relaxed generate a lot of positive energy and the grace of life. Good and bad are both just perceptions of a situation and both are created in your mind

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Yesterday or Tomorrow.. NO Today!

Some people live in the past for one reason or another. Maybe something bad or great happened to them. While the past helps form what we have become, we cannot let it define us. Some live in the future, dreaming of future conquests or glorious times when they strike it rich. Both of those people lose the present. If we lose the present then tomorrow will be shadow of what it could be. So enjoy today and forget yesterday and work on tomorrow when it gets here. Have a good day deserve it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Gun Control

Gun control by Presidential order is the worst kind. I think everyone that has a gun should control it. I hate to see the shit storm that is coming if they try to take guns. The sportsmen and women of this country are in the millions and many will unite to defend our rights. They took our homes and money but no one will hold still and obey a order to turn in their guns. This could be a potential civil unrest situation. I don't want to see that happen but I won't relinquish my guns. I am a hunter and I want to keep my rights in tact

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Gun Control my Ass

Florida has been catching hell for their no back up law..a bunch of states have similar laws except most call it their castle law. A castle is your home or 21 feet all around you at any given time. No matter where you are.. those states believe that we should be able to have the right to protect ourselves..i say it isn't only a right.. it's a moral obligation.

Monday, January 7, 2013


We fault our country for the deficit, but how many people out there live above their means? I know they push credit cards like a drug dealer..but i also remember just say no. So take stock of your own finances and learn to live without the bank. remember when your grandparents dream was to pay off the mortgage and be free of that cycle. The banks twisted our American dream to." You aren't a success until you have credit"..take away the banks power by doing them out of your life..they are killing you and our country with 29.9% interest and fees..fight back. PAY CASH.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Apocalypse and Marijuana. or Excessive Generation

The generation I am in is known far and wide as "Baby Boomers" . I think this is wrong not that there wasn't a baby boom but definitions should be about how we act. We grew up in post world war 2 listening to our parents talking about blood running in the streets in the next war. Our parents were scared of the atomic bomb and with their private conversations scared turn we had bomb drills in schools and taught to place books or desks over our heads,Like that would save us. We in turn figured the world would end and we were fairly screwed so we did everything big and hard. We discovered sex and went at it all out. We discovered marijuana and we had all sorts of ways to smoke it. Our generation was responsible for all sorts of new business because we spent our money like it was water. We invented rehabs and clothing lines..ugly clothes to wear to rehab. We drank hard, we smoked cigarettes and pot like there was no tomorrow. Then tomorrow was here and we decided to be the ones that lived forever and look good so botox and gyms popped up next to plastic surgeon offices..I still say we shouldn't be called Baby Boomers.. we should be called the Excess Generation, because we did everything excessively.. soon like the greatest generation we will start filling cemeteries in record number's. But not me. I'm going to live forever and smoke and drink excessively until I need to put that book over my head. I think this talk about the apocalypse is bull shit. We all die alone and see our doomsday privately.. have an excessively good day.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


I do not consider myself a poet..just a man that sees things differently than most others.

Learn to Live

what does this life hold for us ? are we merely strangers in this world riding the same bus ? do we stagger through the night with pain and pleasure mixed just right ? which wins when we confront our true self the sheep we have been taught to be or the beast inside we have held on a shelf? each has it's place the sheep and the beast the sheep is the meal, the beast leaves bones at the feast. we stride through this world all alone never truer than when we pass through the portal to our new home, lonesome isn't a feeling we should dread as long as we feel we are alive not numb or dead . so let the beast go and refuse that deep sleep


The weeping eyes fester and the moon is under the seas The sound of the Headstone naming has brought you to your knees When the wind in the willows no longer stirred Just say the man that loved you was one who kept his word

Feather and Wind

Are we here on a predestined course? does the color of my eyes send me down my path? Is the wind blowing me forth or is the way I go just a mixture of joy and wrath? Does God lead my way cradle to grave? do I wander around like a runaway Am I a captain or a slave? Am I no more than a feather in the wind? Helter skelter to and fro alive or dead? Or an ordered life that only God can rescind? Regardless of which or why I control many things that Good ,dark, or evil brings. The light within and without to the Wings that makes me soar on high. No regrets no sins abound So when I die my universe will Sigh with the sound Of the perfect soul that lived and thrived I will surge forward and explode through the universe not found Rejoice for your being, dance for your soul The universe needs you to fulfil it's majestic role.